共為你找到:200筆as long as you love me 相關企業資訊
本公司於1995年成立,推出全國第一套積木式概念之APOLLO系列遙控器自推出至今,承蒙各代理,經銷商及一般使用者與政府機構、同業的支持與愛護,使我們得以不斷的創新改良,精益求精,並於2000年推出高階機種HERCULES系列,其功能讓使用者更輕鬆掌握多段及無段變速,可完全掌握駕駛室的所有功能,2003年推出防爆系列機種(d2G4),2005年再度推出CUPID系列,簡易方便好操作型工業無線遙控系列,全系列皆通過出產嚴格測試,且通過歐盟CE美國FCC等多國認證。 3-Elite’ mission is to become a global leading design and wholesale manufacturing service Provider of industrial radio remote control solutions in different fields for worldwide system integrators or clone partners locally     3-Elite with the 15 Years of innovation expertise and experience, we will strive to serve worldwide system integration customers.   We not only produce radio remote control, but also sell other parts as long as you can see around the factory. For example, crane and its accessory.
企業簡介 『C和弦』是音符裡最明亮最快樂的組合,也是音樂的根本。 帶著最快樂的心做到最完整的服務,是我們的信念。 我們相信一切的想法都可以變成美麗的旋律和畫面, C和弦結合「音樂」、「影像」與「企劃」,並且融合浪漫的婚禮製做, 我們把這樣的專業帶給大家,讓你們能夠留下明星般的記錄與回憶。 【就算只是C何賢也可以很精彩,只要你相信】 Even just a C chord can also be very wonderful as long as you beileve.
企業簡介 【讓音樂彩繪出畫面、讓視覺有旋律的想像】 服務項目:音樂錄音製作、配樂製作、唱片企劃、樂團錄音製作、素人錄音單曲製作、影像企劃錄製、影片剪輯製作、廣告製作、活動記錄等相關影片製作、平面排版設計、設計印刷....等 多媒體服務。 『C和弦』是音符裡最明亮最快樂的組合,也是音樂的根本。 帶著最快樂的心做到最完整的服務,是我們的信念。 我們相信一切的想法都可以變成美麗的旋律和畫面, C和弦結合「音樂」、「影像」與「企劃」,並且融合浪漫的婚禮製做, 我們把這樣的專業帶給大家,讓你們能夠留下明星般的記錄與回憶。 【就算只是C和弦也可以很精彩,只要你相信】 Even just a C chord can also be very wonderful as long as you beileve.
ANG Investments Inc. is an investment company, specializing in trading publicily-traded equities around the world. We manage our capital with a contrarian as well as long/short approach.
波音亞仕得公證服務有限公司(ATI Certification Service Ltd.)成立於1999年,為一群國內資深顧問師所組成,初期只核發英國UKAS之ISO 9000 / ISO 9001證書。 2001年之後,成員中加入新加坡ISOQAR SEA Pte Ltd與英國ISOQAR Ltd.之資深稽核團隊,並開始同時核發美國ANAB之ISO 9000 / ISO 9001、英國UKAS之ISO 14000 / ISO 14001、OHSAS 18001、QS-9000、BS 7799 / ISO 17799 / ISO 27001、AS 9100 / AS 9110 / AS 9120與HACCP / ISO 22000等證書。公司總部設立於台灣台中市,服務範圍遍及全國各地。同時接受全球華商委託在中國各大省市與香港,以及東南亞、南亞、中亞、北亞與東北亞等各國提供各項國際公證與驗證服務。波音亞仕得公證服務有限公司(ATI)總是: •站在客戶的立場,了解客戶的要求; •尊重客戶的產業,追求客戶的滿意; •重視效能,合理收費提供最佳服務。波音亞仕得公證服務有限公司(ATI)所提供的國際公證與驗證諮詢服務項目包含如下: •UKAS ISO 9000 / ISO 9001 QMS, UKAS ISO 14000 / ISO 14001 EMS, UKAS BS7799 / ISO17799 / ISO27001 ISMS, ANAB ISO 9000 / ISO 9001 QMS, QS-9000 QMS, BS 8800 / OHSAS 18001 OHSMS, AS 9100 / AS 9110 / AS 9120 ASMS, and HACCP / ISO 22000 FSMS System Certification等系統驗證; •PPE, CE, UL, CSA, FDA and GS Product Certification 等產品驗證; •ISO 9000,ISO14000, ISO 22000與ISO 27001主導評審員訓練課程; •ISO 9000、ISO 14000、OHSAS 18001、ISO 27001 / ISO 17799、AS 9100、QS 9000、TS-16949、HACCP等各項基礎與高階管理課程,以及相關全員分級教育訓練課程、年度訓練課程; •海內外驗貨、驗廠與經營事務管理; •職務合理化、全面經營管理升級、內控內稽制度及管理系統電腦化規劃; •政府各項資源補助申請協助諮詢服務(CITD、SBIR、ACTD、人資提升…等)。
Found in 2011, our company is a Taiwan professional mobile phone accessories manufacturer. we are engaging in case for IPHONE 3G/4G, Blackberry, IPAD notebook, and diamond stickers .. We focus on research design, production, sales all the products . We provide all kinds of different materials , such as Jeweled/diamond case , silicone case, TPU case , PC case, PC leather case , as well as kinds of exquisite fashion diamond stickers. Owing to the full range, competitive price and good after-sales service, our products are exported to North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, the Middle East, East Asia, Western Europe and so on .It has deeply affected the customers , and has established the long-term ,stable relationship of cooperation with Retailers and agents in home and abroad . Depending on strong strength , good credit, paying more attention to the contracts, better product quality, as well as the principles of various flexible operating characteristics, our company has wined the trust of domestic and foreign customers. Your satisfaction is our greatest goal. Welcome you to be our good partners .
Lynstans headquarters are located in Taipei, Taiwan. We have branches around the world including China, Korea, Mongolia, Russia and Singapore. In order to fulfill the different demands from worldwide customers Lynstan provides consultation, design, production, and certification information. We believe that the development and quality of our products as well as a reliable customer service hotline are key components in the success of any company. You are welcome to visit our website: www.lynstan.com for further information. Lynstan is a manufacturer, with factories located in Taiwan and China. Our main product lines and services are: We position ourselves not the lowest price killer, but, the reasonable price and professional solution provider in order to establish a long term relationship with our customers. Please let us know if you need more information about Lynstan. We are looking forward to receiving your contact soon.
優必達科技是一家由矽谷、台灣及大中華區團隊於2007年共同成立的公司,專注於將雲端運算(Cloud Computing)運用在影音多媒體以及娛樂領域的軟體公司,希望藉由其分散式雲端軟體平台,將豐富的網際網路或多媒體內容隨時隨地的供消費者使用與分 享,達到「全程全網,互連互通」的理想。公司對市場的長期投資策略、重視各地用戶需求的做法,與當地研發人員密切的合作關係,能讓我們提供全球市場領導性 的優良產品,藉著消費者行為的充分觀察,能讓我們在未來的數位家庭生活中,帶給消費者前所未有的體驗及感受。 優必達科技在台灣、中國、韓國設有 RD研發中心,並在東京、首爾、矽谷設有SM業務辦公室與技術展示中心。 Ubitus成熟創新的雲端多媒體技術核心於2009年獲選為NVIDIA五大最佳科技價值企業獎,並獲得日本NTT集團,韓國三星電子等大企業的訂單以及投資,成為支持三星多款智慧手機Pocket Media影音服務以及NTT DoCoMo上線的影像編輯轉檔等商業服務的核心技術提供商。 優必達工程師所撰寫的軟體目前在全世界不同國家給數以百萬計的使用者使用,工作環境具有挑戰性且充滿高度的熱忱,工程師們更能與其他優秀的技術同仁一起腦力激盪解決有趣的雲端技術問題,並在工作中了解全球的雲端運算走向。 我們鼓勵並歡迎你/妳加入我們! Ubitus Inc. a leading software platform provider for fixed-mobile convergence applications, founded by a group of entrepreneurs and professionals from Silicon Valley and Greater China region. We aim to offer ease of use and an exciting experience for people to instantly share and access any digital content stored in the different devices (they owned) with friends, colleagues, and communities regardless of where they are and what devices they use. We’ve gotten to where we are today by hiring the smartest and most passionate people we can find, and proved ourselves not only to well-known Venture Capitalists, but also buy-in from leading industry players in the mobility world. Our engineers come from diverse backgrounds, and there’s no such thing as a ”typical” ubitus engineer. Some are fresh out of colleges with lots of technical competition awards and honors, while others have joined after working at leading international software and IT companies, or at companies they started themselves. Our engineers enjoy making products that millions of people use, living in a fast-paced and high-energy environment, solving tough technological challenges, and working on a team of people who are just as talented as they are. If these things also appeal to you, we encourage you to apply.
I’ll start by introducing myself . I’m a Taiwanese, and my husband is a New Zealand born Hong kong. We both are qualified Chef’s. We own a small cafe call Gina’s cafe. We put professionalism first, which applies to food, coffee and service, as well as mood, amosphere, comfort, and most important hygiene and safety. we are not just your average cafe which only does coffee and sandwiches, we also have pizza’s, pasta, rice dishes, salads, set menu, wireless internet, and many more. we also try to stay healthy, we use olive oil in cooking, we make all our sauces with fresh quality products, nothing is bought pre made, such as our pizza base, tomatoe base, white sauce, aioli sauce, lemon vinegarette. That the way to life these days, staying healthy, as well as having our own unique taste. So please come and check us out and put a good feedback if you happen to enjoy it, we will do our best to make your welcome a unforgetable one.
Winning E-Business Co., Ltd (WEB), founded in 2002, is a Taiwan-based, multi-discipline firm offering complete internet marketing, web design, administration and hosting services. Our management team have extensive experience in numerous internet marketing, design and administration. We are committed to help our clients to achieve their goals as well as to produce outstanding website and successful internet marketing. We are dedicated to create a long-term and mutually beneficial relationship with our clients. In addition, we create an environment that fosters professional growth and facilitates rewarding production of work.
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